6 Tips to Create Compelling Rental Listings That Generate Results

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We’re often sharing tips about where to list your rental property vacancy and how important it is to maintain a strong online presence. But sometimes, even the most well-placed listings go unnoticed. And it’s due to the lackluster listing language itself. Today, we’ll tell you precisely what to know about writing a compelling rental property listing that generates buzz and drives results.

Start with the Best Foundation

Before we dive into suggestions, it’s important to point out the critical nature of including key elements within your property listing. Potential renters, of course, need quality photos and videos. But they also need to know pricing, location, availability date, and space. Don’t leave those critical details out of your listing, hoping it will inspire people to reach out for more information.

The Balance of Information & Features

When writing a compelling rental listing, avoid regurgitating the important details entirely upfront. Instead, strike a balance between mentioning key information and extras together. Vague text will come across as boring, and no one wants to rent a boring property.

The Boring Way: Nice 2-Bedroom Home for Rent

The More Engaging Way: Incredibly Quiet 2-Bedroom Home Only Ten Minutes from Downtown Tampa!

Consider combining standard information with a feature for the best engagement. And don’t be hesitant to get creative with your adjectives. If your rental property is charming, quiet, spacious, or updated, say so when sharing those critical data points. And remember, it’s not just a rental property. It can also be referred to as a “residential peaceful sanctuary” or a “tech-loaded, modern space to make yours.”

Be Specific within Your Listing

Don’t just say your rental property is spacious. Tell potential renters just how spacious it is by sharing details and supporting photos about the vaulted ceilings or dropping the massive dimensions of the den. If your listing talks about your space being upgraded, take it a step further by listing what upgrades have been made. Most rental property owners will tell you they see the most success, too, with listings that feature the property’s best assets. So, if your property has a gorgeous backyard, lead with those images and brief mentions.

The Most Compelling Property Listing Formats

If you could write a small essay about how great your rental property is, you should probably keep that format version for brochures or print materials. When it comes to online vacancy listings, it’s usually best to keep the text between four to seven sentences. Anything less might not generate enough excitement. And anything longer than that might deter potential renters. Avoid overuse of exclamation points and all caps. Those don’t necessarily generate the enthusiasm you might think they would. Keep the language professional yet unique and within this “Goldilocks” range of length and format.

Make Sure Renters Can Contact You

You might be hesitant to put your phone number or email address out there for the world to see. But not having contact information means losing potential tenants. Consider creating a separate email address altogether just for listings or creating a Google Voice phone number with which to advertise. As a secondary benefit, you can track which applications come in from various listing sites to track which online channels work better for you.

Keep It Legal

Remember, Fair Housing Laws are strict about any listing or advertising that conveys favoritism to certain individuals in any way. You can’t say things like “perfect for a young couple” or “no children” within your listing. Keep your language inclusive and general, and focus more on listing the property’s details, local attractions, and commute distances.

If you need help crafting the most compelling rental property listings that get results, contact us!

We strive to keep Tampa rental property owners up to date about the latest investment management in the area. Tap into additional insights by signing up for our free webinar, where we discuss How to Streamline Your Rental Portfolio for Maximum Growth. It’s a critical topic discussion you don’t want to miss!

As always, you can also join the conversations with like-minded property owners within our Facebook group. Share tips, best practices, and fresh ideas with other savvy investors. And if you’re looking for more tailored advice specific to your particular investment strategy, suggest a meeting time to my calendar, and let’s connect!
